Related Programs
Graduate School Engineering of Advanced Materials (GS EAM)
Starting as interdisciplinary program for doctoral researchers, the Graduate School Advanced Materials and Processes (GS AMP) has been established within the frame of the Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced Materials in 2009. During the past decade, GS AMP offered a unique program for doctoral candidates working on topics related to the EAM mission.
With the establishment of the competence unit Engineering of Advanced Materials GS AMP was redifined as GS EAM. The GS EAM continues to offer students additional interdisciplinary possibilities to achieve an excellent doctoral graduation.
As one of five FAU graduate schools under the roof of the FAU Graduate Centre, GS EAM is focussing on FAU’s Research Priority “New Materials and Processes”. Offering special skills training, interdisciplinary networking events and alumni exchange, GS EAM builds a strong support platform for all structured doctoral programms and doctoral researchers in the field of new materials and processes at FAU Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Sciences.
FAU Early Career Support and Graduate Center

The FAU Early Career Support and Graduate Center is the main source of information on doctoral degrees, postdoctoral research, habilitations, junior research groups, and junior professorships. It functions as an umbrella organization for all structured doctoral programs and provides support and advice to doctoral degree candidates, early career researchers after their doctoral degrees and supervisors of doctoral degrees and habilitations at FAU.